First we have to login to the server where our Application is deployed.
We can login using putty or an other softwares..
- Go to the the directory:
<domains_home>/<domain_name>/application/< app_name>.By default, the <domains_home> directory will be under the directory: <tibco_home>/tra/In domains_home, You will find two files
<app_name>.sh file
<app_name>.tra file.
- Run the .sh script file for the particular application to start the BW process. The .sh file actually invokes the linux machine’s <bw_home>/bin/bwengine, taking the properties from the customer tra file i.e <app_name>.tra.
Command : Type ./<<App Name>>.sh and press enter
- In the <app_name>.tra file, you can specifify the Java GC options. Below is an excerpt from the documentation:
You can set the Java memory parameters by using the option in the bwengine.tra file.
For example, specify the following in the bwengine.tra to set the heap size to 768M and retrieve the garbage collection metrics for the -Xms768m -Xmx768m -verbose:gc